Invited Speaker

David W. Rosen

A*STAR(Agency for Science, Technology, and Research)

Update time:2023-12-06 12:06

David Rosen is a Principal Scientist at the Institute for High Performance Computing and SIMTech, both A*STAR institutes in Singapore. He was a Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology for many years.  Additionally, he held faculty and research positions at the Singapore University of Technology & Design.  He received his Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts in mechanical engineering.  His research interests include computer-aided design, additive manufacturing (AM), and design methodology, with a specific interest in design for additive manufacturing. He is a Fellow of ASME.  Also, he is the recipient of the 2013 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, International Freeform and Additive Manufacturing Excellence (FAME) Award and is a co-author of a leading textbook on AM. In the standards community, he chairs the ASTM F42 subcommittee on design for additive manufacturing and was awarded the ASTM Award of Merit and promoted to Fellow of ASTM in 2022.  

Topic title:

Design for Additive Manufacturing


Additive manufacturing (AM) is an important digital manufacturing technology leading to Industry 4.0 processes. Its digital input enables great flexibility and adaptability to changing markets, lot-size-of-1 and mass customization, and little if any lead-time since no hard tooling is needed. Designing products and parts to take advantages of these AM characteristics is key to realizing the benefits of AM. In this talk, I discuss the principles of design for AM, the importance of considering the entire manufacturing process chain when designing parts, and the large benefits achievable when exploring new product architectures. Implications for design for AM from emerging materials are explored also. Examples taken from industrial and biomedical applications illustrate the design concepts.

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March 29-31, 2024
Deadline for Submission of Abstract

December 31, 2023

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January 15, 2024

January 25, 2024