Jianhua Qin is a chair professor in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Director of Biomicrofluidics Research Center. She is the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Editor of Organs on a Chip and Associate Editor of Lab on a Chip. She has received Ph.D from Chinese Academy of Sciences, with a visiting scholar/postdoc position in University of Hong Kong and University of Toronto. Dr. Qin has published more than 180 peer-review papers and filed 47 patents to date. Her research interests lie in the interface of organs-on-chips, organoids engineering and biomedical applications.
Topic title: Organs on chips to advance biomedical research
Organs-on-chip technology are well suited for the development of in vitro model systems for biological study, disease modeling and drug testing because they can recapitulate high-level tissue and organ-level physiology and pathology. In this talk, I will present our progress in developing strategies to engineer bioinspired organs on chips for the purpose of studying infectious diseases, liver disease and drug testing. I will also present our efforts to create organoids on chip with enhanced functions by integrating bioengineering and stem cell development principle for the study of tissue/organ biology, disease etiology et al. This OOC technology has additional value to advance our understanding of organ physiology and pathology, providing an unique platform for the study of personalized medicine.